Tuesday 31 January 2012

Research Into Double Page Spreads

For my research i decide to use Bubbl.us again as it can show how different conventions can be further explained or be linked to other factors.

Sunday 22 January 2012

My Research Into Contents Pages

For my research in to contents i had decided to be more interactive and make both a PowerPoint and a You Tube clip.Here is my power point and video:

I have now decided to use Bubbl us to show my thought better than in the slide show.

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Contents Added Pictures

For the contents I have two different models and this are the second model's pictures:
The pictures do have some issues but i can rectify these through photo shop. these may include brightness and contrast as well as cropping to focus on the protagonist.

These may be used to add realism to competitions that i may be running in the magazine.

In my contents these pictures would have a caption underneath to show what may be inside the magazine as well as the page number, which would be blocked separately but contain the colour scheme, therefore house style.

Front cover and Contents page Feedback

As we have now started to get well underway with our contents pages, we were now put through a class review where our peers could comment on our work. They gave us comments on our  pictures, background, and placing many things are also reviewed as this would help improve our work in the future.
The feedback was written to us which gave their comments :

The Front page
For my front page I wanted to give a clear and bright scene which showed both a young and youthful but famine side to hip hop.
The body position of the model was to grab attention and to play into the reader belief to buy it. I also thought that it was quirky I would be unique.

Comments were:
student 1 - 'great pictures' 'some writing is unclear' 'maybe use a varitey of pictures(people)' 'looks professional'

student 2 - 'good title' 'make words in the sicker bigger' 'use different fonts' 'good picture'

student 3 - 'nice house style throughout' 'make stories underneath remix' 'make circle more lifelike' '

My Contents page
For my contents page I wanted to be different and have a one picture page as well as a normal, conventional page of contents. this would fit with the ethos of a hip hop magazine as well as putting a fresher layout in my magazine.
The body position was to look different as the I wanted her from a different angle as well as her looking directly into the camera.

Comments were:
student 1 - 'black and white picture works' 'be careful as some colours do not work'

student 2 - 'need other pictures' 'not sure about background' 'good title' 'nice layout'

student 3 - 'more variety in contents' 'have sections for stories in contents' 'perhaps more colour' 'front and contents go well together'

overall i was pleased with the results as well as having something to work on.

Monday 16 January 2012

Front Cover Construction

The First Front Cover

The first front cover was to use the picture with my model using her hands to create a camera lenses. I wanted to create this look to give me a story to use for the double page spread as well as giving me a title and coverline. This pose also gives me a different pose to other magazines and the readers may find this intriguing and would draw them into buying.
I had a different model as the first photo shoot did not go to plan.

Steps to My Front Cover

Step 1: I had to make the picture seem a lot more interresting and draw attention to the sign that she was making with her hands so I had decided and change the colour of everything around the hand movement black and white, leaving the her eyes and fingers in full colour using adjustments and desaturated. I thought that this was a good idea because it made my front cover picture different as well as reflecting the style and the target audience: Hip Hop with quirkyness.

 Step 2: I decided to keep this style even thought having second thoughts about it and started to add the texts such as the title and headline.

Step 3: After adding some of the texts, it began to become a hindrance to have such a picture so I decide to have the original picture back without any editing and the cover began to take shape. I also realize that the original gave me more to work with so I knew how to colour code my pictures to the font and colour.
This only left me to add the texts in so that my magazine would be complete.

Step 4: I decided to brighten the picture because it looked way too dark and the reader wouldn't find this to stand out among other magazine. It proved that the brightness and contrasts of the picture improved the quality of the magazine altogether. This also increased the level of quirkiness by not looking like an ordinary picture, which I found played well to my target audience of young teens. This also helped with house style as I am using bright pinks, oranges and white and black to  complete my look.

Finally Step 5: Adding the bumper sticker and the barcode was difficult because you didn't want to move what you had just made but whereas you need to have a basic conventions of a magazine.
My final edit